
Full-pagetranslationPRO.Translateentirewebpagesintoyourdesiredlanguagewithjustoneclick.,Translate.MicrosoftEdgemakesiteasytoreadwebpagesinyourpreferredlanguage,bytranslatingthewebinstantlyasyoubrowse.Choosefromover70 ...,2018年7月16日—TranslatorforMicrosoftEdge.TranslatorforMicrosoftEdge-Translatewebsitesdirectlyfromyourbrowser!,Manuallytranslatewebpage.Ifyou'vesetMicrosoftEdgetonevertranslate...

DeepL Edge Extension

Full-page translation PRO. Translate entire web pages into your desired language with just one click.


Translate. Microsoft Edge makes it easy to read webpages in your preferred language, by translating the web instantly as you browse. Choose from over 70 ...

Translator for Microsoft Edge

2018年7月16日 — Translator for Microsoft Edge. Translator for Microsoft Edge - Translate websites directly from your browser!

Use Microsoft Translator in Microsoft Edge browser

Manually translate webpage. If you've set Microsoft Edge to never translate a specific language, you won't see an automatic pop-up prompting you to translate.

在Microsoft Edge瀏覽器中使用Microsoft 翻譯工具

在Microsoft Edge 中開啟網頁。 瀏覽器會偵測頁面的語言,並且會出現一個功能表,要求您確認要翻譯頁面。 確認翻譯面板.


Microsoft Edge 將在Microsoft Edge 設置下檢測到 ... Translate - Automatically translate webpages ... 只需從「翻譯」彈出視窗中選擇「始終翻譯」,即可訪問外語頁面。

Simple Translate 選取文字立刻翻譯,絕對神速 !

Simple Translate 選取文字立刻翻譯,絕對神速 !
